Elephant of Guidance

I would start off by describing my Artwork as a vibrant and joyful piece of art because of how it displays a kind and well loved animal giving you words of advice. This art displays a majestic creature and the art itself was done with great care, and the art itself really shows the care put into it. I created my Art by starting off with a reference photo, and a background created by me. Mostly though, I had created this art because of what an elephant represents and how the first thing you think of when you see an elephant is a joyfull, kind, and majestic creature. Then I started to copy my photo reference by throwing down shapes to fill in the space and add value and texture. The big idea of my artwork is to show the kids a sense of guidance, but to in the main run show that there are people out there who care about them. The main idea is to help these children feel a sense of joy and comfort after everything they are going through. The goal of my artwork has mainly the same idea as my idea for the artwork. My goal was towards showing them guidance, and bringing them joy throughout that comfort they should gain from the art. Overall is think that my artwork had came out pretty well and represents my goal pretty well. I also think that the overall design of my artwork shows kindness happiness and joy very well.

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